6 minute read

So after seeing this post on reddit the other day, I decided I’d try and utilize Rebound for the link drawer in my Hacker News app. Currently, the app uses a basic translate animation on the StoryLinkFragment when the “Show Link” button is pressed.

The simple translate animation is as follows:

<set xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    <translate android:fromXDelta="0%" android:toXDelta="0%"
               android:fromYDelta="0%" android:toYDelta="-100%"

The animation ends up looking like this:


I consider this a bare minimum animation, gets the job done in showing the user a new view, but has no easing or natural motion to it.

Rebound handles this issue by utilizing spring physics on the views, as seen here. In order to improve the earlier animation, I created a RelativeLayout that has the spring physics built in.

The code for ReboundRevealRelativeLayout follows (it could probably use a bit of cleanup):

package io.dwak.holohackernews.app.widget;

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.widget.RelativeLayout;

import com.facebook.rebound.Spring;
import com.facebook.rebound.SpringConfig;
import com.facebook.rebound.SpringListener;
import com.facebook.rebound.SpringSystem;

 * A RelativeLayout that can be animated vertically or horizontally using Facebook's Rebound library
 * Created by vishnu on 8/5/14.
 * @see android.widget.RelativeLayout
public class ReboundRevealRelativeLayout extends RelativeLayout {
    private static final SpringConfig SPRING_CONFIG = SpringConfig.fromOrigamiTensionAndFriction(6, 6);

    public static final int TRANSLATE_DIRECTION_VERTICAL = 0;
    public static final int TRANSLATE_DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL= 1;

    private int mRevealPixel;
    private int mStashPixel;
    private Spring mSpring;
    private boolean mOpen;
    private int mTranslateDirection;
    private RevealListener mRevealListener;

    public ReboundRevealRelativeLayout(Context context) {
        this(context, null);

    public ReboundRevealRelativeLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        this(context, attrs, 0);

    public ReboundRevealRelativeLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);
        SpringSystem springSystem = SpringSystem.create();
        mSpring = springSystem.createSpring();
        LinkSpringListener linkSpringListener = new LinkSpringListener();

     * Set whether the view visible or not
     * @param open true if visible
    public void setOpen(boolean open) {
        mOpen = open;

    private void togglePosition(boolean open) {
                ? 0
                : 1);

    public boolean isOpen() {
        return mOpen;

     * Sets the direction in which to reveal and stash the view
     * @param translateDirection {@link io.dwak.holohackernews.app.widget.ReboundRevealRelativeLayout.TranslateDirection} describing the direction to animate
    public void setTranslateDirection(int translateDirection) {
        mTranslateDirection = translateDirection;

    private class LinkSpringListener implements SpringListener {
        public void onSpringUpdate(Spring spring) {
            float val = (float) spring.getCurrentValue();
            float maxTranslate = mStashPixel;
            float minTranslate = mRevealPixel;
            float range = maxTranslate - minTranslate;
            float translate = (val * range) + minTranslate;

            switch (mTranslateDirection) {

        public void onSpringAtRest(Spring spring) {
            if (mRevealListener != null) {
                mRevealListener.onVisibilityChange(spring.getCurrentValue() == 0.0);

        public void onSpringActivate(Spring spring) {


        public void onSpringEndStateChange(Spring spring) {


    public int getRevealPixel() {
        return mRevealPixel;

    public int getStashPixel() {
        return mStashPixel;

     * Sets the pixel to reveal the view to
     * @param revealPixel Integer value to set the view to when revealing
    public void setRevealPixel(int revealPixel) {
        mRevealPixel = revealPixel;

     * Sets the pixel to stash the view to
     * @param stashPixel Integer value to set the view to when stashing
    public void setStashPixel(int stashPixel) {
        mStashPixel = stashPixel;

     * Set a listener callback for when visibility animations are complete
     * @param listener {@link io.dwak.holohackernews.app.widget.ReboundRevealRelativeLayout.RevealListener}  listener for when animations complete
    public void setRevealListener(RevealListener listener) {
        mRevealListener = listener;

     * Interface to implement if you want to subscribe to visibility changes
    public interface RevealListener {
        void onVisibilityChange(boolean visible);

Using this layout for the link view ends up looking like this:


Comparing the two, it’s easy to see the improvement in the motion on the drawer reveal. It’s a simple animation but the little things count towards creating a pleasing user experience.

The fragment code that controls this view can be found [here].
