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Self Hosting Your Audiobooks

3 minute read

4 years ago I made the switch from Audible to serves DRM free audiobooks, shares revenue with a local bookshop you select and works on a s...

APIs In The Real World

3 minute read

Anytime we host guests, its almost guaranteed we’ll get the following question: “Where’s y’all’s recycling?”. We have a dual bin combo recycling/trash can. T...

Basic Reverse Proxy Setup With Traefik

1 minute read

Make sure you point your domain to your home IP address. If you’re in need of dynamic DNS support, look into cloudflare or duckDNS. You can use something l...

Using Kotlin Extensions for Rx-ifying

4 minute read

Kotlin and Reactive Extensions (Rx) are the new hotness in Android development, and not without reason. Both technologies are loved for being concise, expres...

Using RecyclerView With Multiple Items

6 minute read

A simple pain point I always seemed to encounter when developing for Android is dealing with multiple items types in a ListView or a GridView. Luckily, Recyc...

Rebound for Android View Animations

6 minute read

So after seeing this post on reddit the other day, I decided I’d try and utilize Rebound for the link drawer in my Hacker News app. Currently, the app uses a...